Friday, December 27, 2019

Strategic Human Resource Management at Tesco Plc - 3561 Words

Gloucestershire business school | Strategic Human Resource Management at Tesco Plc | An analysis of Tesco’s strategic HR and employee relationship management | | Abdul Latif Sultan (s1010402) | 4/1/2011 | Standard APA referencing style used Reference list presented at the end of the paper Word Count: 3009 This paper has been submitted at the University of Gloucestershire in partial fulfillment of the Masters in Business Administration course module ‘Strategic Human Resource Management,’ under the able guidance of Dr. Xiaoni Ren and Jocelyne Fleming. Today’s competitive environment demands companies to pay serious attention to its human resource management because of the important role it plays in realizing a company’s mission,†¦show more content†¦Tesco deploys its strategies based on 5 elements: international retailing, growing its core UK business, growing in the food as well as non-food sector, developing retail services, and considering the community as the heart of its operations. The 5th element was added recently in 2007 (Tesco, 2010). Over the years Tesco has seen growth and consistency in sales and profits. They credit their management team, their strategy to invest in their employees as their catalyst in being successful. In 1985, Tesco announced the operations of its 100th superstore and in the following year it announced its plan to invest  £500 million in starting 29 more stores (Corporate Watch, 2004). The beginning of the next decade saw Tesco basking on the success of its petrol filling stations to become UK’s largest private petrol retailer (Corporate Watch, 2004). The company introduced the idea of developing new and different store concepts and better customer centric initiatives. In 1995 Tesco introduced a revolution in the food retailing market, the Tesco club (loyalty) card, which provided offers and other benefits to customers and also helping the company learn more about its customer’s shopping patterns and needs (Cheffey Smith, 2010). Other customer centric services included: Tesco Direct in 2006 (Cheffey Smith, 2010) which aimed at encouraging catalogue shopping and to rival Argos, the Baby-club for new parents, and theShow MoreRelatedHrm on Tesco3698 Words   |  1 5 PagesInternational and Comparative Human Resource Management Muhammad Rasool | Submitted By : Muhammad Rasool Student ID : L0288SASA1011 Module : International and Comparative Human Resource Management Semester : 6 Submitted To : Rajendra Kumar amp; Tatiana Pavlovsky [TESCO] | | Table of Contents S. No | CONTENTS | Page No. | 1 | Abstract | 3 | 2 | Introduction | 4 | Executive Summary | 3 | Background of the Tesco | 5 | 4 | MissionRead MoreHrm at Tesco4846 Words   |  20 Pages ANALYSING AND EVALUATING HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INTRODUCTION The functionality of an organisation is primarily based on many competencies which determine how well an organisation performs. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Example Outline Sexual Abuse Essay - 1163 Words

Informative Speech Assignment: â€Å"Sexual Abuse† Speech 1000 Welch Example Outline Topic: Sexual abuse is a common and controversial issue that can happen to and or affect all of us. Purpose: To inform the audience about the effects sexual abuse can have, and why it matters. * Introduction I. Attention getter: Do you know a friend or family member who has been sexually abused? Or maybe you have experienced sexual abuse yourself? Are you aware of the psychological and developmental effects it can have on you or someone you may know? Chances are, you don’t—while sexual abuse is common, may people do not speak up, and the problem goes unrecognized. II. Motivation: It is important to know how our experiences affect us†¦show more content†¦(Source 2: expert testimony) (Transition: Now that you have a better understanding, let us examine the devastating effects abuse can have.) II. Victims of sexual abuse can and have experienced psychological and developmental issues. A. Pediatric Emergency Medicine reports that an estimated one in four girls and one in six have experienced some form of sexual abuse by the time they are 18 years old. (Source 3: Statistic) B. Sexual coercion has been linked to suicidal thoughts/attempts, depression, and alcohol use. From experience, I know that being sexually abused is like being the prey, waiting alone in the woods for the hunter to come along. Unfortunately for some, that hunter happens to live under the same roof, and alone in the woods, alone in my room, I felt like prey every time I heard his footsteps walking down the hall. This certainly led to suicidal thoughts, so I can relate to the findings of suicide attempts reporting among assault victims. (Analogy) C. School Psychology Quarterly reports an estimated 7.4% of U.S. students have been sexually assaulted, and those who had been abused reported more suicide attempts then those who have not. (Source 4: Statistic). They are also more likely to develop post-traumatic stress disorder, behavioral difficulties (i.e. aggression), lower academic achievement, etc. D. Jessica Thurchik, psychologistShow MoreRelatedDomestic Violence At Affordable Price Please Use Custom Research Paper1276 Words   |  6 Pagesviolence at affordab le price please use custom research paper writing services. This sample research paper on domestic violence features: 7200+ words (26 pages), an outline, APA format in-text citations, and a bibliography with 31 sources. Outline I. Introduction II. History III. Types of Abuse A. Physical Violence B. Sexual Violence C. Psychological Violence D. Stalking E. Dating Violence IV. Prevalence of Domestic Violence V. Explaining Domestic Violence A. Cycle of Violence B. PsychopathologyRead MoreChildhood Trauma and the Impact of Adulthood1381 Words   |  6 Pagestrauma is alarming. 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It is a crime in every state to intentionally or recklessly causeRead MoreDescartes s Meditations On First Philosophy917 Words   |  4 Pagesa scholar. Before dedicating his life to philosophy, he worked with analytic geometry and analytics. In many ways, Descartes was spared experiences that might have caused him to reassess his thoughts on the split between mind and body. Unlike the example of the man with an amputated foot that Descartes uses in Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes did not lose a limb. If he had, he may have realized that the mind is just as divisible as the body, as is t he case with traumatic experiences. BasedRead MoreThe Negative Impact of Pornography on Society Essay924 Words   |  4 Pagesperson and human body to an anonymous object of misuse for the purpose of gratifying control. Specialists may disagree among themselves about how and to what degree particular individuals and groups are affected by these phenomena, but the broad outlines of the problem are very scary. Frequent exposure to violence in the media can be confusing to children, who may not be able to distinguish readily between fantasy and reality. Psychologist Edward Donnerstein (University of Wisconsin) found thatRead MoreThe Effects Of Sexuality On Children s Sexual Abuse1652 Words   |  7 Pagessocieties. With regard the sexual treatment of children, the shift in thinking that has taken place has been also major. Jenks (1996) outlines that in history there have been recorded a multitude of examples of sexual maltreatment of children, that in nowadays would be defined as child sexual abuse. Only in the last three decades there have been a strong and overwhelming societal response towards this subject which sanctions and condemns it . 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The women’s who are affected by IPV are mainly due to remaining in an abusive relationship, culture and childhood sexual abuse are also seen as a risk factor of IPV. I will be portraying this issue from Marxists perspective and also using Marxist Feminists theories to relate to this issue to create a better understanding. The social issue- describe Domestic violence is

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Examining differences in national accounting rules Essay Example For Students

Examining differences in national accounting rules Essay Research has shown that difference in the accounting regulations exist because each state has different regulations ; different ways in which the regulations are interpreted or implemented and they are many differences at the civilization of each state. At this study we are traveling to look out five companies which are registered at different states. We expect to happen many differences at the accounting system used at each company, the nature of the concern and the civilization of each state. The companies are Technip, Daiwa House Group, Nature Plc, NVR Inc and Angang and they are registered at France, Japan, UK, USA and China severally. American and Nipponese companies largely use their national GAAP for their one-year studies. European companies largely use International Financial Reporting Standards ( IFRS ) which will be adopted by the Nipponese companies in a few old ages and besides Angang which is a Chinese company ; there is a possibility that may utilize besides IFRS. Harm onizing to Nobes ( 1988 ) they are besides major differences in the accounting regulations between the USA and the UK. Due to the studies of Gray ( 1988 ) and Hofstede ( 1980 ) civilization is a chief factor for the different usage of accounting regulations. Culture can be expressed in the manner how people think and what are their values, their beliefs, their attitudes, how their behavior is affected. From the three of import points that Hofstede highlighted we can understand that civilization is corporate, it is non discernible and besides it helps to distinguish persons ( everyone behaves in a different manner ) . As we can understand different people can stand for to different civilizations which result to different accounting ordinances. Finally we expect to see that each company may run at different states, they may be inserted to wholly different stock exchange ( some of them more than one ) as they are registered at assorted states. Outline1 Section A2 The initial feeling3 Decision Section A The initial feeling An initial feeling about the studies is that all of them are organised in a professional manner and they are prepared with applicable accounting criterions. All five company studies have at the beginning of their one-year studies the highlighted information of this twelvemonth which is utile for us to see the public presentation of the company this twelvemonth. Some of them have besides the old twelvemonth highlighted information so we can make a comparing between the old ages. The major highlighted information is grosss, runing income per twelvemonth, net income before revenue enhancement, entire assets and liabilities and net income per twelvemonth. All of the companies used accounting ratios at their highlighted information such as Gross Margin, ROE, and Net incomes per Share so the analysts and the stockholders can hold more elaborate information and a more clear position about company s public presentation. Daiwa House Group, NVR and Technip have used graphs and charts to allow us cognize their portion public presentation and their latest five old ages highlighted information. Technip has besides used charts for their orders by section and by per centum. Besides Daiwa House Group uses images of people with some graph lines to show their believes about the GDP, the temperature, the cell phone incursion, medical costs and the universe s population tendencies from 1950 to 2050 at different states. I believe they want to show from this manner the world-wide extremist alterations and demands during the old ages. At the first pages of all the one-year studies we can happen president statements and studies written by the audit commission, the senior director and the managers of the companies. They give us information about each company s public presentation this twelvemonth and what are the outlooks of following twelvemonth. The president of Nature Wed has written that he is pleased to hold exceeded his outlooks this twelvemonth. Besides all the presidents and managers inform us that in fixing these fiscal statements, they select appropriate accounting policies, use them systematically and they make prudent opinions and estimations. Besides the information contained gives a true and just position of the facts and that no material facets of such information have been omitted. All the companies must hold true representation of the assets, fiscal place and net incomes of the company. All this information must be knowing by the stockholders of the companies so they can do right appraisals. .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 , .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .postImageUrl , .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 , .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659:hover , .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659:visited , .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659:active { border:0!important; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659:active , .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659 .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uec4b719b0bde119c20aed1385993e659:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Violence in Sports Essay PaperAll the companies have provided penetrations of the trading consequences of the company. Each company has announced its Amalgamate Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow. Daiwa House Group has besides announced the seven twelvemonth consolidated drumhead and its investing public presentation. On the other manus Technip and Angang have announced the Off-Balance Sheet Commitments and the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders Equity. Angang except from the amalgamate statements has besides announced the company s fiscal statements. Each company has prepared the fiscal statement with criterions appropriate for their state and their company. As we can see Technip ( Gallic company ) and Nature Group PLC ( British company ) have used IFRS for their coverage. Furthermore, Angang which is a Chinese company has used IFRS and PRC Accounting Standards. But Daiwa House Group which is a Nipponese Company and NVR Inc. which is an American Company have used their National GAAP for the coverage ( Nipponese and American GAAP severally ) . It will be easier for us if the companies used the same criterions of describing so we can make comparing between them. Except from the one-year study we can happen some of import information at each company s web site such as interim studies and full twelvemonth consequences. Daiwa House and Nature Group have their Share Price Acquisition, Share Placing and Stock Ratings. Daiwa House has besides announced a fiscal factbook. Decision Annual studies are by and large written for stockholders and investors. Investors typically look at fiscal information contained in an one-year study. From the one-year study the investors can see which countries of the company are executing good and which are stable or follow a downwards tendency. Besides they can see whether the current debt degrees are bearable or they have to be augmented. The company s income statement and balance sheet can assist an investor whether to put in its stock or non. They normally watch out the alterations of the Net incomes per Share from twelvemonth to twelvemonth and if it grows at a steady rate and the Shareholder s Equity so they can happen the company s Debt-to-Equity ratio ( the lower the ratio is, the stronger the company is ) and it s return on equity ( how good the company is utilizing its investings ) . Transparency and Disclosure keep stakeholders better informed about the manner a company is being managed and governed.It is one of those words that is assumed to hold a common footing of understanding but in fact is used in different ways by different people.Transparency and Disclosure varies among the European states. There are many differences besides between European, Asian and American footings. Disclosure on ownership information and investor rights in one-year studies shows the greatest failing. As a standard of the SEC, domestic US companies as NVR must make a true study, taking to supply information for investors and forbid any deceit. European companies such as Technip and Nature Group must hold a true and just position of their studies. Due to ASBE 2001, Chinese companies such as Angang are obliged by the authorities to order to disclosure demands..On the other manus, Japan has a complex system of accounting ordinances, so the Nipponese companies as Daiwa House supply information required by jurisprudence but they do nt be given to travel any farther.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Review Of A Child In Time By Ian Mcewan Essays - Ian McEwan, McEwans

Review Of A Child In Time By Ian Mcewan Although most remembered for his earlier work, The Cement Garden, McEwan's more recent work of fiction, A Child In Time, offers a very different perspective into the theme of childhood - this time an adult's understanding of a juvenile world. The novel has been highly critically acclaimed since its first publication, and despite its disjointed prose style and at times ambiguous thread of McEwan's plot, it consistently proves a popular literary work nearly five years later. The book offers insight into one man's progress through the stages of grief, as he mourns the loss of his only child, an eight-year old named Kate. As the protagonist, Stephen seeks to understand his loss, he turns towards science and philosophy to understand the very nature of time and understand where he and his now dysfunctional family unit have altered so drastically with time's passing. McEwan has clearly succeeded in creating an atmosphere of childhood as seen through an adults eyes - the simplistic beauty of his description of Kate's relationship with her father is portrayed with extreme realism and the family unit's degeneration is charted with absolute clarity of detail throughout. Despite the lucidity of Mc Ewan's narrative voice, the plot sometimes delves into the improbable. As readers we witness the slightly dubious transition of Charles Darke, (one of the protagonist's colleagues), from respected mentor to overgrown schoolboy. Although certainly not a dramatic twist to the plot, it does come over as being a somewhat extravagant change and slightly superfluous to the overall plot. McEwan has also developed his tale around a series of flashbacks and jumbled memories; which, although rather effective in conveying the subjective viewpoint of his characters, makes for a slightly confusing read. Despite this lapse is structural style, the novel is certainly technically adept and philosophically questioning, often enquiring into fundamental questions concerning the very nature of time within a very realistic framework. McEwan seamlessly switches from tense emotional drama to highly scientific, explorative language. This not only superbly demonstrates the writer's skill, but effectively contrasts the homeliness of family life against stark objectivity of time. Stephen's flashbacks of his lost child are expressed with such an unnervingly realistic edge, the reader cannot help but sympathize deeply with his plight. One particularly memorable stage of the novel involves Stephen desperately searching a local school where he believes the lost child will be found. This incident seems decidedly inspired by the classic film, Don't Look Now - a red raincoat is glimpsed in the distance fuelling the futile hope that the lost child may at last be found. Although thematically similar to several of his previous works, Ian McEwan has lifted his narrative style into something far more involving and experimental. Although the jargon-laden language used in some place in the novel requires more sustained concentration for the less-scientifically minded reader, the book will nevertheless prove popular with both existing fans of McEwan and newer readers alike. McEwan has once again proven himself to be one of the most original English writers to emerge in recent years, and this eerie tale may well prove to be unmissable. English Essays