Monday, February 24, 2020

Fashion Designer Employment Status Report Assignment

Fashion Designer Employment Status Report - Assignment Example Realistically, since I am still a starter on this career, I will take on any opportunity that I will be offered to be able to showcase my ability. This will entail attending any beauty pageant that I am able to so that I can sharpen my designing skills. I am constantly seeking growth as an artist while trying to enjoy the process as much as I can. I feel that if I enjoy myself while working on a piece that I am designing, the pleasure will help me put in that extra effort that is necessary to make the piece truly polished. Even though I am so passionate, there are moments when I feel there is something holding me back. This often happens when I have conversations with my parents regarding my future. They always ask me questions that I do not want to answer due to the fact that they consider I do not take my life seriously. However, I am motivated to pursue my career in the fashion design industry due to the fact that this industry has grown up a lot in the past 20 years. It has become a large part of the creative industry hence competitive; as such there is no guarantee that one can be successful. Despite the fact that it is extremely hard to get established in this industry, there are some things that I can do to make myself get a better chance of getting noticed. I believe that I can work hard and produce great work at college hence recognition. The quality of my work is my biggest philosophy; I believe that this is the greatest tool that I have to boost me to achieve my goals. Currently, I am a student in the Academy of Art University majoring in Costume Design. Since joining this university, I have seen how to design in my own way so that I am comfortable designing each piece in the shortest amount of time but still keep developing my own style. In order to gain my own style is to take the next step. According to Careers in Fashion, p.1, fashion marketing careers are highly competitive, so the more you can learn from fashion school, the better prepared you will be.  At the moment I am a student and my next step is to gain experience in the business field.  

Friday, February 7, 2020

Stakeholder management and risk management Essay

Stakeholder management and risk management - Essay Example The stakeholder identification includes listing of the external and internal stakeholders who are associated with the mega project and then categorizing the stakeholders according to their roles, influence and impact on the large project. After analyzing the group of stakeholders, a stakeholder matrix is formed in which the stakeholders are positioned based on their relative importance for the large project that they are associated with. Followed by the formation of stakeholder matrix, stakeholder engagement is crucial in order to discuss the objectives and goals of the organization. The expectations of the stakeholders are also discussed in the meeting and a common goal is arrived to which all the stakeholders need to abide. The expectations of the stakeholders are discussed and the nature of communication to be maintained with the stakeholders is also agreed upon during the process (Kerzner and  Belack, 2010, p.47). The approach of stakeholder management maintains all the protoco ls of the large scale project in terms of security, confidentiality, etc. ... The synthesis approach to stakeholder management considers the ethical responsibilities to the stakeholders apart from the fiduciary responsibilities. Risk management is a process of identification, assessment, categorization and prioritization of risks and then adopt suitable strategies for allocation of resources in order to monitor, control and mitigate the impacts of risk exposures. Risk management approaches are adopted in order to minimize the impacts of uncertain events which could interrupt or cause stoppage or considerable loss in the operations of large scale projects. Risk management takes into account the exposures to the financial markets, credit policies, legal risk, operational risk and any other event that is unpredictable or uncertain in the course of large projects. The various approaches to risk management in large scale projects include avoiding the risk, reducing the impact of risk exposure, transferring the risk to another party or even accepting some or all of the probable impacts of a certain risk exposure (Handlechner, 2008, p.37). In case of avoidance of the risk, some of the resources or objectives of the large scale project may need to be compromises. The risk avoidance approach is taken when the impact of such risk on the large scale project nullifies the value of the project. In most large scale projects, the risk mitigation approach is followed with a view that there is a risk return trade off for the project. Lowering the amount of risk to the tolerable limit of the project would help large projects to be executed with a profitable balance between the associated risks and the potential returns (Conrow, 2003, p.58). The third approach for the management of risk is the method of transferring the risk to another party. By transferring