Friday, May 15, 2020

Facebook and Personal Morality Essay - 1439 Words

Social Networking in a more analytical context is defined as a community of network members which are technically called Nodes. Nodes most commonly differentiate as persons or organisations; if a singular unit can be connected this can be identified as a node. The connections of nodes are usually made based on relations of common interest. Network analysts study the pattern of attraction towards masses of nodes that are connected and this is the structure of how a social network is formed (Scott, Carrington 2011, pp. 11-12). There are many different types of social networking sites available; the most popular in today’s society are Facebook and Twitter which are rapidly attracting multitudes of visitors every month. Facebook allows†¦show more content†¦This has reconstructed the essence of a real interactive relationship and produced a generation gap due to moral beliefs and the over development of technology (Wittkower 2010, pp. 123-134) For example when the advancement of technology flourished throughout the younger generation’s era, this consequently familiarized them from an early and adaptive age. However the older generation’s knowledge was produced from a limited source of technology when they were growing up, as a result this absence of balance may have differentiated their perceptions and abilities for the use of social networking sites.(Lauzon, 2011). When defining the difference, the older adults appear to have a more traditional sense of communication close to their hearts, their morale has more depth, demonstrating fulfilment from family orientated values and religious beliefs. When you compare both generations, young adults appear to undertake superficial principles, their interest in face to face contact and religious values appear to be slowly diminishing (Salamn 2009, pp. 1-3). Research has also shown that the older adults may lack confidence when using technology which may influence the ir ability to participate in these virtual communities. Yet this may be partly resolved as more senior-friendly social networking sites become available. The development of these sites will have to be mindful of a simplisticShow MoreRelatedNature of Man- Great Gatsby Essay1750 Words   |  7 Pagesis the fact that Tom will not let Daisy do anything to benefit herself, rather, uses the money for his use only. By using greed throughout life, one is unable to learn how to do things for themselves. Having greed is even shown today in society. 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