Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Consumer Drones Changed Public Safety, And Privacy

How Has Consumer Drones Changed Public Safety, And Privacy? Imagine being able to fly through the sky with nothing more than a remote control and a camera. This sounds pretty futuristic but the future is here with the new consumer drones with capabilities such as GPS, auto stabilizing cameras and advanced electronics to make the future a reality. But how safe are these drones to consumers concerning privacy and public safety? Though these drones have improved consumer life, their safety to consumer privacy and public safety is a major issue of concern. The research will establish that these consumer drones are basically harmless, unless they land in the wrong hands. Technological advancement has improved the consumer drones and the services they provide. Scientific innovations such as GPS, autopilot systems, support software as well as the use of auto-stabilizing cameras have made the consumer life full of imagination. â€Å"These drones have the ability to fly at a programmed route while taking aerial photos and video recording even in the presence of bad weather conditions and greater heights that make it impossible for pilots (Corrigan)†. Which in itself is pretty incredible. â€Å"The aerial photography achieved is with greater accuracy, therefore, they could be used to make site surveys, monitoring crops, aerial 3-D mapping, military surveillance, world life protection, and search and rescue operations (Handwerk)† which make the consumer drone not just for the amatuarShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Ethical And Social Values For A Person1323 Words   |  6 Pagesevery human being in society . Let us consider a problem which will show us what it means exactly how importance of ethical and social values for a person . 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